URGENT NEWS: Read about the SC Supreme Court’s decision about the ESTF program here!



SC Families Speak Out on School Choice

Three families talk about their experience of schooling during COVID, and the importance of having the freedom to choose the best schooling situation for their children. 

What is an Education Scholarship Account?

The program enacted by the South Carolina General Assembly differs a bit from the one described in this video, but the mechanism is the same! (In the South Carolina Program, funds allocated to the ESA program are not school funds, and ESA funds do not roll over to pay for college expenses). 

Second Baptist Preparatory School

This small, Aiken, South Carolina-based school is transforming lives in the CSRA. The new South Carolina ESA program known as ESTF wil help education providers like Second Baptist serve more students with economic and developmental challenges.

A Little About Lila

Lila’s story is powerful and school choice programs open doors to children with exceptional needs.

A Broader View of School Choice

The rest of the world takes a different choice to education choices. This short video is very educational.

A Veteran Public Educator Speaks

Delores Gilliard has spent her life as a public and private school teacher and administrator.

The Parent Perspective

Opponents of school choice don’t believe parents are up to the job of picking a school for their child. James Wooten begs to differ.

Pastoral Leadership

Rev. Slaughter is a Virginia native who has pastored in Aiken and Greenville. He speaks powerfully to the hope that a loving Christian education can instill in the heart of a child.

School Board Chair Perspective

Dr. Parker explains how her perspective as a professor and a parent led her to chair her church’s school board.

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